[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Occupation, Intervention and Law and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the O.I.L. Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each biweekly roundup to OIL@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every other week.] 

Israel-Palestine Peace Talks

Israel Appropriates Land in West Bank, Jeffrey Heller
Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports the Israeli Defense Ministry has declared 250 acres of land south of Jerusalem "state land."

Israeli Coalition Partner Threatens to Quit over Peace Talks, Ari Rabinovitch
Israeli Economy Minister Naftali has threatened to leave the government if Israel releases more Palestinian prisoners in hopes of salvaging peace talks with the Palestinian Authority.

Can We Trust What Israeli Leaders Say on Iran?, Ali Gharib
Gharib questions remarks made by Israeli President Shimon Peres accusing Iran of refusing to cooperate with agreements to curb its nuclear activities.

"Not a Single Person in This Rom Would Accept Living as Palestinians Do, Generation after Generation," Philip Weiss
Weiss reports on a debate over Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts between Peter Beinart and Hussein Ibish, held at Columbia University.

Armed Conflict

Warily, Lebanon Tackles Violent Spillover from Syria, Alexander Dziadosz
Reuters reports on the spread of Syrian armed and political conflict into Lebanon.

Car Bombs in Baghdad, Iraqi Town Kill 34 People, Qassim Abdul-Zahra
Car bombs in mostly Shiite neighborhoods of Baghdad have killed thirty-four in an attack bearing a resemblance to those carried out by Sunni insurgents, The Miami Herald reports.

A Summary of Friday`s Decision in al-Aulaqi v. Panetta, Matt Danzer
Danzer summarizes the US District Court for the District of Columbia decision to dismiss a lawsuit against a number of US government officials brought by the family of Anwar al-Aulaqi and his son Abdulrahman, both killed by US drone strikes in 2011.

Artists Install Massive Poster of Child`s Face in Pakistan Field to Shame Drone Operators, Tom Boggioni
Responding to a drone operator description of strike victims as resembling "bug splats," an artist collective in Pakistan has installed a large poster of a child orphaned by a drone strike in a field of a heavily bombed area.

Timeline: Al-Aqsa Mosque, Dalia Hatuqa, Mohsin Ali
Al Jazeera English provides an overview of the history of the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem in light of an Israeli police raid of the mosque on 13 April.


UN Rights Chief Blames Most Crimes on Syrian Government, Associated Press
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay has advocated bringing the abuses of both Syrian President Bashar Assad and opposition groups in Syria before the International Criminal Court while noting that the former outweighs the latter in cruelty and magnitude.

Israel Places Journalist in Incommunicado Detention, Ali Abunimah
Israel has arrested and detained Palestinian citizen of Israel and journalist Majd Kayyal for "unlawful travel to Arab countries" and "contact with a foreign agent," reports Abunimah.

When Will We Put a Stop to Shaker Aamer`s Horrific Guantanamo Deal?, Clive Stafford Smith
Writing for The Guardian`s "Comment is Free," Smith advocates for securing the release of Guantanamo detainee Shaker Aamer, noting the PTSD of Aamer as a result of the conditions of his detainment.

Can the US Legally Deny Iran`s New UN Ambassador a Visa to New York? Nope, Julian Ku
Ku, writing for Opinio Juris, argues the United States has no legal basis to deny the Iranian ambassador to the UN a visa.

Partial Afghan Results Portend a Runoff as Fraud is Cited, Rod Nordland, Matthew Rosenberg
The New York Times covers the earliest reports of results from the presidential election in Afghanistan and a number of emerging legal disputes over election irregularities.


Iran`s Oil Exports Surge Above West`s Sanctions Cap: IEA, Ron Bousso, Timothy Gardner
The International Energy Agency estimates Iranian oil exports have surged past a cap of 1 million barrels per day agreed to by Iran and the P5+1 countries.

Iran Rejects Naming a New UN Diplomat after US Bars Islamic Republic`s Choice a Visa, Associated Press
The United States has elected not to grant a visa to Hamid Aboutalebi, a diplomat chosen to represent Iran at the United Nations, despite a refusal on the part of Iran to withdraw the choice of Aboutalebi.


International and Comparative Quarterly Annual Lecture 2014; 20 May 2014; British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5JP; Register here

On Jadaliyya

Video -- US: Send Detainees Home to Yemen, Jadaliyya Reports

Good Faith or Good Tactics? How Some Anti-Divestment Groups Manipulate Public Discourse and Smear SJP, Omar Zahzah and Rahim Kurwa

The Sadness of Post-Militance: Some Reflections on Brown University’s "New Directions in Palestine Studies" Conference, Faris Giacaman

ACRI Petitions High Court: Restore Water to East Jerusalem, Jadaliyya Reports

Journalists Under Fire in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Jadaliyya Reports

Press Release: University of Michigan Activists Respond to Divestment Resolution Vote, Jadaliyya Reports

Return Unifies Us: Global Day Of Action For And By Palestinian Refugees, Coordinators for the March 22 Day of Action on Return

The Next Round in Gaza, Jadaliyya Reports

غزة في أعمال الفنانة الفلسطينية رنا بشارة, Abdullah AlBayyari

Confronting the Human Rights Crises Left in the Wake of the Iraq War, Jadaliyya Reports

Lebanese Lawyers and the State: Dispute, Collusion, Cooperation?, Jadaliyya Reports

Structural Violence on Trial: BDS and the Movement to Resist Erasure, Noura Erakat

Call for Papers: Understanding Israeli Practices of Forced Displacement and Settler Colonialism in the OPT (Deadline: 1 May), Jadaliyya Reports

الحركة النسوية الفلسطينية بعد أوسلو: حصادٌ مرّ في تمكين الذات وفي تحرير الوطن, Islah Jad

Joint Statement: Palestinian NGOs in Israel Reject the "Sectarian Representation Law", Jadaliyya Reports

هل ما زال قطاع غزة محتلا؟ وما جدوى السؤال, Lisa Hajjar


Between Convenient Misreading and Mythology: The Iran Sanctions Regime and the Institutionalization of War, Sajjad Safaei